Contact Details
Janelle Williams
Telephone: (07) 4037 5252
Email: jwill343@eq.edu.au
Trinity Bay State High School has a showcase visual arts department with programs and facilities which are amongst the best in Queensland. We have a dynamic team of staff who have a passion for and specialise in painting, drawing, ceramics, photography, printmaking, film and television and multi-media studies. Students regularly win acclaim state wide for the outstanding and highly professional work they produce. There is an emphasis on traditional media but we are unique in the way our visual arts staff integrate technology and new media into the concepts that students investigate from years 7 to 12.
Special features:
- A team of 9 visual arts specialist teachers with a passion for the arts and experience in a range of media areas.
- Junior and senior visual arts industries excellence courses offered after school hours to extend and challenge students in four distinct program areas - studio skill building, exhibition opportunities, industry exposure and mentoring by practising arts.
- A high level of integration of both traditional and new (digital) media.
- State of the art facilities in our million dollar purpose built visual arts centre.
- Wireless networking that allows students to integrate and use technology throughout our visual arts learning spaces.
- An architect designed art gallery which runs through the heart of our building which features curated work by students throughout the year.
- Strong ongoing relationships with some of the most highly respected artists in Cairns and beyond - we constantly employ practising artists to come and work alongside us to extend our student's knowledge of contemporary arts practise.
- Certificate II in visual art is offered to all year 10 students.
- Students passionate in the visual arts can simultaneously choose to study up to four different subjects in year 11 or 12 - visual arts (or visual art studies), film and television, photography and media art.
- Our courses offer students wanting to pursue further tertiary study in the visual arts the opportunity for rigorous academic grounding and the building of an impressive portfolio to support their university entry.
- Students wishing to pursue workforce pathways are able to build the technical skills and entrepreneurial knowledge to move straight into employment in many creative fields.
Course planners 2023