Our school provides a secondary education for both boys and girls from years 7 to 12. Approximately 1800 students are attending the school in 2025 with the population reflecting the full range of professional, trade and labour backgrounds.
The school attracts students from all over the city but primarily from eight (8) local schools. The school draws students from the surrounding 'three M' suburbs of Manoora, Manunda and Mooroobool. In addition the school attracts students from a large cross section Cairns suburbs including, City View, Kanimbla, Whitfield, Edge Hill, Brinsmead, Freshwater and Redlynch.
Approximately 35% of students identify themselves as being Indigenous (the vast majority of these being Torres Strait Islander). A significant proportion of these students board away from home at hostels or with family in order to attend a 'mainstream' school in Cairns.
A small number of students attend the school as a result of migrant settlement programs operating in Cairns. These students come from varied backgrounds but mainly from Africa or Nepal.
Full fee paying international students currently represent a small cohort of students at the school.
The school is a centre for accommodating the needs of students with special needs such as visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech or language impairments and general disabilities. Many of both our students and staff volunteer their free time to participate in and organise activities for these students to help them feel included and recognized as part of the school community.