Trinity Bay State High School's Science Excellence Program nurtures intellectually gifted students, offering a tailored curriculum in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. With face-to-face interactions with scientists and participation in initiatives like CSIRO CREST Awards, students delve into diverse subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Robotics. Enriching experiences include a dedicated Astronomy classroom with a StarLab planetarium, evening presentations, and volunteerism. Involvement in university-based programs like JCU Science Experience and National Youth Science Forum enhances students' holistic development, fostering collaboration and sharing of achievements.

How to Apply
Please ensure that you complete and return the School of Excellence Application Form along with your Trinity Bay State High School Enrolment Form to the school. For 6 into 7 students, this should be no later than midday on Tuesday during the final week of term 1.
Enrolment information, including the necessary forms, can be found on our school's website under the Enrolling at our school tab.
Complete all forms accurately and in full, including two photocopies of your child's most current report.
Important note: Please photocopy all documents; no originals please.
Application Process
Stage 1: Apply
After completing all the above, your application will be screened and you will move on to stage 2
Stage 2: Interview
- Applicants will be short listed for interview based on academic results, references and supporting information in the application.
- An interview will consist of science based questions and personal tour of the science facilities.
Stage 3: Notification of acceptance process
- Unsuccessful applicants who did not reach interview stage will be notified by mail in as timely a fashion as possible, once shortlisting in early term two is completed.
- Successful applicants will be notified by mail in term two and invited to a meet and greet night.
- Review of unsuccessful applicants will be undertaken in the following year if your child is enrolled at Trinity Bay State High School, and will be based on teacher advice and high school academic success.
- If your child is offered a position, parents will be required to contact the Trinity Bay State High School to formally accept or decline the offer. If the school does not receive communication from the parents by the due date stipulated in the offer, the school reserves the right to rescind the offer.
Stage 4: Parental acceptance
- To accept this position you are required to place a down payment of $100 which will come off your school fees for next year. The due date for this payment is by the end of Term 3. This can be paid at the front counter at the main office at the school.
- If your child is in more than one excellence program only one payment in total is required.
- Along with payment, you will be required to return the completed Excellence program contract which was sent home with your letter of offer.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for this program your child must:
- show interest in science and demonstrate curiosity.
- have a solid academic and behaviour record and maintain or exceed that standard in high school.
- be prepared to act as Trinity Bay State High School ambassadors in various science events and shows.
- attend early morning science academy lessons punctually and regularly upon program commencement.
- complete all necessary procedures by advertised deadlines.