The student wellbeing and attendance team (SWAT) meets weekly to discuss student support needs and consists of:
Head of department engagement
Oversees student wellbeing in the school. Is the first person to contact if you have concerns about your child's academic or personal wellbeing. Coordinates the SWAT team, refers students to appropriate members of the SWAT team for support or external services. Coordinates academic and other programs for student academic and wellbeing and improvement.
Responsible behaviour teacher
Oversees student behaviour in the school. Manages behaviour programs and support mechanisms for students to encourage more productive behaviours in students.
Guidance officers
Provide counselling for students in various areas of health and wellbeing. Provide some diagnostic testing for students, provides negotiated education plans, individual education plans and individual learning plans for students. Refer students for further support where necessary. Provide career counselling and options for university pathway students.
School based health nurse
Provides health advice and counselling to students. Coordinates health and wellbeing programs for students. Provides health education to students in conjunction with health and physical education programs and senior schooling programs. Supports students and families with a range of health concerns and needs, ranging from teenage skin to relationships, sexual health and healthy lifestyles.
GP at school
Available at school, each Wednesday.
Attendance officer
Monitors student attendance for Years 7 to Year 12. Provides support for students and families who struggle with school attendance for a variety of reasons. Provides incentive reward programs for students to attend school. Support offered with daily check ins for students who are struggling to attend classes.
Youth support coordinators
Provide counselling and support for students. Liaises with community support centres on behalf of students and families. Facilitate wellbeing programs, facilitate mentoring programs within the school and in the community.
Community education counsellors
Provide educational and professional counselling and support to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. Liaison between the school and community to engage community and students with school and community activities. Develops activities in and out of school to enhance the involvement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students and families in education.
School chaplain
Provides social, emotional and spiritual support to students, liaises with students and support services.
Responsible thinking classroom officer
Stephen Cousins -
Provides students with reflective rehabilitation of inappropriate classroom behaviours. Manages good habits program for challenging students. Other members of the team: Irene Colefax - Education Queensland social worker (Wednesday).